If hell freezes over and a citizen suit forces the city to condemn the Penguins and sell the team to city residents, then I assume that the next negotiating tactic will be the city's putting a negotiating gun to its own head and making the following threat: Build a new arena for the team, or we're leaving. Every last one of us.
(Photo of Cleavon Little as Sheriff Bart in Blazing Saddles. You'll have to find the dialogue on your own.)
Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with you. The legal action described in the article screams out, "Demurrer!" It is a pity that most judges are so reluctant to impose sanctions for frivolous suits. I certainly want the Pens to stay in Pittsburgh, too, but the courthouse is not a clearinghouse to redress every perceived wrong, no matter how lacking in legal merit. The plaintiffs' argument might other merit, but I can't think of any colorable legal merit associated with it (I've been wrong before). In fact, it seems to me that it is actions such as this that engender disrepute of the legal profession. Wonderful picture, too.
While I think Dawida's tactic is just plain childish, I think fan ownership would be a cool thing. Also - this is hockey. Imagine what fans would do if the Steelers tried to leave town.
They seem to have reached a deal with all parties involved - the Pens are here to stay for a while at least.
Go to a game! They're really fun!
Anonymous, if you're not a luxury box-holding corporation or a wealthy individual, I'd suggest you go to as many games as you can before the Pens move to their new space. If the history of other sports franchises is any indication, you can expect a nice price hike when the Pens move. It's likely going to price some people out of the game.
Amen. I can't stand another minute of the irony: average guys and yinzers--and their suppicant city leaders and priority-challenged newspaper folk--all ready to thrash themselves like a bunch of steel city shiites over the notion of losing the Penguins, meanwhile the future almost assuredly includes ticket hikes that will sip money out of their wallets.
The Penguins aren't "for" the average guy. They are a business, and they should be viewed like any other wishing to deal with the city.
What do they bring to the town, that you're willing to contort yourself and load up the silver (or gold, and black) plate? How many jobs, how much entrepreneurial magnetism, and so on?
PRECIOUS LITTLE. Hockey is fun. The Penquins are fun. But I wish Pittsburgh would grow up and realize there's a difference between what you want and what you need.
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