Thursday, March 30, 2006

University Entrepreneurship

I was a panelist yesterday at the Spring Plenary of the Pitt Faculty Senate, on a program that focused on commercializing academic research. Among the many interesting things that I heard was an announcement by Don Smith, who runs economic development initiatives in a joint appointment by Pitt and CMU, that the "University Partnership of Pittsburgh" has a new website that collects information and resources for economic development initiatives. The site is at There is more functionality to come, including a search option. I encouraged Don to think about including an RSS feed.

Here's the description of the University Partnership, from the home page:
The University Partnership of Pittsburgh is a joint economic development initiative between the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon, increasing coordination and the impact of the universities on the region’s economy. The University Partnership of Pittsburgh actively collaborates with and serves as a university liaison to a variety of economic development agencies in the region. The University Partnership of Pittsburgh provides university access and support for company attraction, faculty consulting and technology commercialization activities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

intersting site and collection of resources - thanks for publishing it.