Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Magic is in the Hole

It's been weeks since I posted anything about cupcakes and donuts.  Weeks!  I was suspecting, hoping even, that Pittsburgh would disappoint my ongoing interest in baked goods.  That Pittsburgh's class divisions would heal over ... anything but food.  It was not to be.  Via @Bram_R, I learn that Little Donut Co. is tweeting, and that can only mean one thing:  donuts are on the rise, and cupcakes are beating a retreat.  As @Bram_R puts it, "Donut class will continue to suffer so long as the cupcake class controls the means of confection. We've nothing 2 lose but our baking cups!" @msmon claims that we're living in a "post-cupcake class" society, which is not at all the same thing as a return to the donut class.  I have an inkling regarding who is behind Little Donut, and if I'm right, then the game plan may surprise you. Remember the learning of the moment:  sugar kills.

The "cupcake class" coinage has passed to generic and perhaps post-ironic status.  I hope that everyone is still laughing.  Or should be.

But there is a serious point here, really.  More later.

As you were.

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