Wednesday, July 05, 2006

mapping the genome (well... sort of)

Ok, I need to keep more Pittsburgh-focused... but this is at the nexus of biotechnology and mapping which cries out for attention. Boston Globe reports that in Mass. the State's biotech site finder still just a dream. Seems like a good idea though. Just becasue they have had a hard time doing this, does not mean it could not be done here. Just a passing thought for the powers that be.


EdHeath said...

"Just becasue they have had a hard time doing this, does not mean it could not be done here." Hey, we are as capable of not getting started on a website here as anyone is in Boston. I'll match our buercratic inefficiency against anyone el- ... Ah, doesn't seem worth it to write any more. Nice piece in the P-G today, btw.

C. Briem said...

thanks.... just shaking the tree some.