Wednesday, February 08, 2006

How Many Yinzers Does It Take . . .

to celebrate a Super Bowl victory.

Answer: 250,000

Check out these very cool photostreams of the victory and victory parade:


Jonathan Barnes said...

Mike, I guess I shouldn't expect you to know this, but many Pittsburghers consider "yinzer" to be a classist, offensive word.
It's a pejorative word that makes "jagoff" seem tame in comparison.

Mike Madison said...

I'm smarter than I look; I used the word deliberately. I'll explain in another post.

Amos_thePokerCat said...

... but the use of the work "Yinz" isn;t offensive. A better title would have been, "How many of yinz does it take ...?" That sounds like correct Pittsburgh-ese.

Jonathan Potts said...

I agree it can be used in a derogatory manner, but I'm sorry, it is not loaded with the same kind of historical freight as the N word.

Amos_thePokerCat said...

I thought the parade was not the best organized. What I saw on TV, most of the streets did not have any of the waist high barricades.

In 1998, and 1999, I was in "dahn tahn" Denver (cheaper and easier parking too) because I was working there, and saw those SuperBowl parades. Much more origanzied, and bigger too. Crowds were reported at 650K in 1998, and 375K

Amos_thePokerCat said...

Ya, obviously.

King, you did not say the "Y" word like you said the "N" word. Heck you even call yourself it.