So the legislature may pull the plug on the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority, leaving Pittsburgh in the hands of the Governor's Act 47 recovery team? The citizenry will undoubtedly emit its usual collective yawn over this development (today is Flag Day, after all, so there are more compelling things to attend to), but the death of the ICA would be an interesting thing in itself. Would it signify:
-- the triumph of the Governor in the hallways of power in Harrisburg?
-- the triumph of the executive branch bureaucracy in Harrisburg?
-- the capitulation of suburban Pittsburgh legislators to the Governor's agenda for Pittsburgh?
-- a decision by suburban Pittsburgh legislators to write off the City, and that funding the ICA is throwing good money after bad?
-- clearing the decks for a city/county merger?
-- rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship?
-- all of the above?
-- none of the above?
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