Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sowing Golden Seeds in Pittsburgh

Did everyone notice the little PG item the other day about Golden Seeds, an angel investor network that is "dedicated to investing in early stage companies founded and/or led by women."  (Quotation borrowed from the Golden Seeds website)

The website also makes this excellent point:

Golden Seeds is dedicated to empowering women financially, based on a commitment that diversity in business ownership and management improves corporate performance and creates a stronger economy.

My related post last Summer, on resources for Pittsburgh women and particularly for women who are entrepreneurs, attracted few public comments but -- based on private feedback -- raised some local eyebrows.  Golden Seeds is now investing here and may have local investors but is -- dare I say it? -- led by non-Pittsburghers and based outside of Pittsburgh.  We can argue endlessly over the presence or absence of local barriers to entry, but I take GS as evidence to support the proposition that diversity -- of many kinds, not just demographic diversitiy -- brings to Pittsburgh much-needed opportunities for growth.

Updated Oct. 5, 2011:  Pop City sees the same thing, in an item today about Golden Seeds.

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