Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pittsburgh Numeracy

Two things that I read today:

Chris Briem - "Parking fines doubled.... city expects revenue to double. There is this little thing called price elasticity."

The Economist - describing a research paper that seeks to explain why some subprime mortgage borrowers defaulted on their loans, and others did not - "A trio of economists set out to find out what differentiated those borrowers who did not keep up with their payments from the rest. Their answer, according to a new working paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, is simple: numeracy. . . . Even accounting for a host of differences between people—including attitudes to risk, income levels and credit scores—those who fell behind on their mortgages were noticeably less numerate than those who kept up with their payments in the same overall circumstances."

Surely the juxtaposition is just an entertaining coincidence.

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