Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pittsblog on National TV?

If Pittsblog gets mentioned on national television, will Google's servers be able to handle the avalanche of traffic that follows?

CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 is producing a segment on Pittsburgh's ability to keep its (economic) head while Rust Belt cities all around us are losing theirs. The producers tracked me down for an interview. I'm told that the segment will run tomorrow night, Wednesday, March 18. Or not. Life is so uncertain. But I am now told that it will definitely air on Wednesday, 3/18.


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael..
your interview was so good i promise not to leave you on the cutting room floor. thanks again. be sure to tune in 10p eastern wednesday night to Anderson Cooper 360. I will be reporting your story and the story of Pittsburgh.
Thanks again,
Randi Kaye
CNN Correspondent

Drew said...

are you sure it's on tonight? the AC360 home page looks like they will be covering Detroit tonight.

let me know when you can find out when it's definitely on. I want to let my friends know to watch it.

Mike Madison said...

The piece about Pittsburgh is some kind of sidebar or color piece in connection with Detroit. The theme is something like: "Detroit is imploding. Pittsburgh imploded once, but now it's doing pretty well, all things considered. What can Detroit learn from Pittsburgh's experience?" There is more to it than that (at least there was more to my interview), so we'll see what airs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for representing us Mike!

Drew said...

Thank Mike. I just passed the info along on my Twitter account.

David said...


Anonymous said...
