Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mapping the Blogosphere

Did Toland every come up with a name for the Burghosphere? Anyway, I predict the greater blogosphere is going to short circuit itself self-referencing this article: the Chronicle of Higher education has an article just out on Mapping the Blogosphere.

but the maps in this article just made me think of this web site on Visual Complexity.


fester said...

I don't think that there will be a self-referential circle jerk on this article as network maps of the political blogosphere (the one I am most familiar with) have been coming out for the past couple of years (Drezner and Farrell). This is just confirming what has already been advanced I think.

Anonymous said...

I think considering linking maps, and links to linking maps, and blogs with "network+maps" tags as self-aggrandizing is only one perspective, and perhaps a limiting one.

The web as influenced by Google is all about the backlinks. Social software has a non-linear, non-heierarchical, lost-in-the-funhouse feel. Over time, though, we'll be able to recognize more patterns in network maps, and perhaps they'll become more useful as we develop ways of talking about them.

Anonymous said...

what about something simple, like Bloghosphere? Gotta love the H. :P