Sunday, May 07, 2006

"Too Many" Again

Read all the way to the end of this feature on Heinz Endowments president Max King, and you find this gem:
Asked last week about where foundations can show more leadership, he mentioned economic development and diversity.

"This is not a community that is famous for its embrace of diversity and inclusion," he said. "I think that's an issue, both race and gender, for this community to pay more attention to."

Foundations, he said, also have to examine the issue of whether there are too many economic development groups, many of which survive on philanthropic support, or whether certain groups, such as the Allegheny Conference on Community Development, are working effectively with the money and resources available to them.


Anonymous said...

The foundations don't know business.

While they do some good things we cannot let them dictate the region's future.

They are also way too trendy.

Anonymous said...

They have little discipline in their funding and will continue to back a losing project even when it isn't demonstrating success. They rarely cut off organizations that aren't effective - which is why the funding cut to PPS was so noteworthy! Furthermore, when they do cut someone, that organization can usually go to the next foundation and get sympathy support.

Having all of this foundation money has made our nonprofits too dependent on them. Of course, I wouldn't be saying any of this if I had a seat at the trough.

Anonymous said...

The above comments are right on the money.

When can we expect Max King to put his money where his mouth is on this topic?