Saturday, December 17, 2005

More Focal Points in Pittsburgh

Robbin also sent me a long list of nominations for local high tech Schelling points:

Every single Starbucks in town.
Atria's by the ballpark
(and ditto for the Seattle coffee there, that's where you go when you talk to the guys from Birchmere.)
The Palomino (that's where one goes with Draper or Cornerstone.)
How about the Blue Horse, how could you forget them, they have free wi-fi and are right here in Mt. Lebo, great parking, always a table open?
The big Coffee Tree roasters in Shadyside
and Pamela's across the street.

That's a lot of choices! Can we boil that down to a short list? The whole concept of Schelling points -- or focal points -- is that it takes only a handful of them to support the network. Too many, and everything falls apart.

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