Thursday, November 03, 2005

Blogging Politics and Business

From the big money corporate community comes Forbes magazine's screed attacking blogs.

From the Democrats comes defeat of a Congressional bill that would have ensured that bloggers enjoy wide free speech rights in political campaigns.

Meanwhile, here in our little Burgh, small business owners are plugging along, using blogs to build a clientele. Two examples in my next of the woods:

Aldo Coffee: and


Surely that's the tip of the iceberg. Post links in the Comments.


Amos_thePokerCat said...

The Forbes Daniel Lyons article is strange. His online bio is truncated. Maybe he got slammed because of recent anti-Linux articles, but he prefers BSD to Linux, was supportive of MySQL. Even more strange, he bashes a anti-Notes site, but wrote "IBM In Denial Over Lotus Notes". A transcript of a CNBC interview about blogs with Lyons, and others. Lyons is the author of "Dog Days". Boing Boing and Dan Gillmor strike back.

He got one easy fact check wrong in the article. The first blog is David Winer's April 1, 1997.

Amos_thePokerCat said...

Irony alert!

Steve Forbes does a podTech interview.

In talking about the Flat Tax Revolution Steve mentions the role of blogs and blogging. He says “You can get involved: either being part of a blog, starting a blog, participating in talk shows, writing letters to the editor of your local daily or weekly newspapers, calling your representatives. Simple stuff. We show you how to do it. If enough people start to do it, guess what? Things start to happen and one of the great things about this whole electronic era we’re in is you can create communities much faster than you could before.”

Amos_thePokerCat said...

Both BW and Fortune did features about blogs in the beginning of the year.