Wednesday, November 24, 2004

SableGate: Another Nugget of Information

One puzzling feature of SableGate has been the local media's curious reluctance to investigate the story publicly. This is a real-life soap opera, a Knot's Landing of sorts (but, so far as I know, without the sex), with a wealthy community long scorned by its neighbors finally getting its comeuppance amid internal conniving. We're self-imploding out here, folks, and the Post-Gazette and the Tribune-Review are reporting on the smoke and flames but haven't asked who lit the match. I don't expect much from local TV (even though well more than a handful of the faces you see on the local news live out here); TV is usually pretty good at smoke and flames but is rarely interested in much more. A writer for the P-G has all but told me that she knows a lot more than the paper has printed, but she's afraid that the paper will be sued if it prints more. Some semi-regular readers of Pittsblog are or were local journalists; feel free to Comment on what's going on.

Meanwhile, the best info seems to be leaking slowly out of the mouths of residents. In a letter to the South Hills section of today's P-G, one complaining Mt. Lebonian points out that Margery Sable made a habit of going to PTA meetings at local schools and declaring that if the Board didn't like what she was doing, the Board members should "buy her out." I teach Contract law, among other things, and we in the business call that an "offer." (We in the business also call that a foolish, reckless offer.) Sounds like the Board accepted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHH!!!! It is not Mt. Lebonian. More like Mt. Lebanonite! Mt. Lebonian, what is that? Does that even make any sense at all?