Monday, November 29, 2004

Back to "Normal"

Enough SableGate for a little while! I'm happy to pump up the rumor mill from time to time, if folks have info they'd like to share. Judging from what I heard over the Thanksgiving, though opinion is settling on (i) Margery Sable had the goods on one or more of the School Board; and/or (ii) the Board is just a bunch of rich folks who forget that they're playing with other people's money. Lest we forget, though -- the decision to pay off M. Sable wasn't unanimous. There were two dissenters. Kudos, to them.

In important news elsewhere in the region, Krispy Kreme doughnut makers are persecuting a local drive-in called Krispy Kream, which sells ice cream. The Pirates finally got rid of their overpriced catcher, Jason Kendall, doing what one friend of mine suggested the Mt. Lebanon School Board should have done with Marge Sable: The team traded one overpriced star for a couple of journeyman pitchers. Is Moneyball coming to Pittsburgh?

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