Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Highways and Byways

There was a note in the paper this morning about a plastic garbage can seen rolling down Route 51. Having recently spent more than 20 hours driving to and from Iowa on some well-maintained interstate highways in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, I wonder:

What's the absolutely worst stretch of state or federal highway in and around Pittsburgh? When I was growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, the stretch of old Highway 17 (now part of I-880) between Fremont and Oakland was notorious for narrow shoulders, large cracks in the pavement, and the not-so-occasional mattress lying in one of the lanes. It was a horror show, to be avoided at almost any cost. What's the local equivalent?

And, for that matter, what's the best? Is there a best around here? Well-maintained pavement, good shoulder space, infrequent obstacles?

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